Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Hot Off The Wireless...

Message Begins...

Call me Ezra, Ezra Addle at your service.
I would shake your hand, but circumstances prevent me from doing so at this present moment in time. Never the less, I extend my warmest greetings to you all.
Welcome to the floating market, a small oasis of conscious and rational thought in the great desert that is the modern world.
Here, before your very eyes two of the greatest intellects of the age sit together in heated debate about a great many things. Art, music, literature, culture, the list could very well be endless. Together, my mental companion and I will be taking you on a journey of fantastical adventure, into an unspoiled realm of intellectual possibilities! The sort of place where phantasm is spelt with a 'ph' instead of an 'f'.

But before we engage the motors on our amazing steam powered airship, a little about myself first.
I'm an 18 year old policing student with a twist. The sort of twist which is liable to get you labeled as 'the weird kid'. Thankfully not so strange as too smell of wee, but sadly strange enough to make social situations... Difficult.
Much as I wish I could hurl all sorts of interesting and exciting things at you, I'm afraid I can't. While I do enjoy film, music and books, in these respects Mira is my superior in every respect and all I can do is follow lamb like in her wake.
Despite this, I am a huge fan Jhonen Vasquez and everything he has done. I am also something of a Evanescence devotee as well.
While I do like other bands, Evanescence are who and what it all boils down too. Put me on a desert island with a CD player and only one CD, it's be an Evanescence one. Or possibly the audio book on how to escape from being stranded on a desert island with only the CD player you are listen to this book on.

I love Mira a very great deal, despite the suddenness of our meeting and the lack of time we've had to know one another, I consider her one of my closest budskis and I'd quite happily give her one of my kidneys should she need it.
I have nothing but respect for her and so should you, as it is very likely she will be the senior member of this partnership.
As she has said herself, another meeting of the minds is in the pipeline, with more updates to follow.

I'm a very strange fellow, despite being somewhat 'dark' many of my fellow thinkers down at the gentleman's club show a great amount of surprise to learn that I have a great and varied interest in all things on both side of the light and dark spectrum of things.
I could go into this more and list my taste in films, but you know too much already.

Message ends.

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