Wednesday, 12 September 2007

The thinkers, the dreamers, the creators extraordinare...

What's this? We hear you ask. Another Blog filled with inane ramblings? To be perfectly honest, we are tired and don't have the energy to defend ourselves, so we're just going to answer that question with a simple, short Yes.

I am your hostess, Almira Hellyer (Mira to my friends - when I say 'friends' I mean Ezra). I am a twenty-something year old Literature graduate living in the United Kingdom, trying to find my place in the world whilst simultaneously struggling to maintain the cool and collected exterior I have spent so many years creating. As the degree would suggest I am a devout bookworm. My authors of choice include the great Neil Gaiman (naturally), Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood. I am also a worshipper at the altar of music. I live for music. Hate studying the theory of it, but can't get enough of listening to it. I swear that soon my MP3 player will actually become one with my body. In my strange little universe Tori Amos is god. Aside from the Fairy Queen I mainly listen to musicians of the female-indie-rock variety. I'm such a stereotypical feminist...

I won't attempt to introduce my fellow Blogger, your charming host, Ezra Addle. He can write his own introduction. I'm not in the business of stealing anyone's thunder.

How did you meet? Well that is a good question. Myself and Ezra met in a damp and gloomy corner of the internet. We won't tell you which one, that would ruin the fun. Suffice to say that we instantly formed an unbreakable bond over our shared respect of the Queen's English and ability to write in coherent sentences and paragraphs. We became MSN pals, then Skype buddies until finally meeting up in July 2007. The next meeting is already in the pipeline. The pair of us having dazzling moments of brilliance, and we thought that we would share some of our indisputable wisdom with the faceless minions on the net.

And thus this Blog was born...

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