Saturday, 15 September 2007

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, or JTHM as it is also known is the crowning work of dark comic genius Jhonen Vasquez. The mind behind Invader Zim.

This was his first 'big project' and has gone down in the annals of history as possibly, the 'goth comic' of the generation.

Should I person wonder what goth was like in our time, JTHM captures just that.
Dark, smart, funny and with a welcome hint of self-mockery (with the wonderful Anne Gwish).

But it is much, much more than a simple 'goth comic', the reasons I have listed above means it transcends this label and should be elevated with other comic book greats such as the Sandman.

While maybe not as groundbreaking, JTHM has a certain kind of magic that gives it that place in the hall of fame.

It's main character, as the title suggests, is the deeply troubled Johnny C. But his friends (although he doesn't have any) call him 'Nny (pronounced 'Knee'). Also as the title suggests, Johnny spends a great deal of time and energy torturing and killing people in his dilapidated house using various ghoulish machines he 'found there' when he moved in.

Despite this rather obvious character flaw, 'Nny manages to be an incredibly interesting character. Not only does he possess a very dark sense of humour you can't help but enjoy, but he is very deep and thoughtful. This is one of the more interesting parts of the book, as 'Nny battles with the voices in his head to keep in control of his own life.

Not only this but 'Nny travels through heaven and hell, learning a great deal about the nature of both, as well as God and the Devil but also learns his true purpose in life and why his life has turned out the way it did.

This is a wonderful comic book, it's very deep and brain-meat taxing and mind meltingly funny. I bought it as an impulse buy and have never regretted buying it since.
Vasquez's unique style of writing and drawing (leaving little notes to break the fourth wall and to make a reader jiggle his tentacles in raucous laughter) are an interesting break from the norm, if you enjoy comic books normally and feel like a break, why not try JTHM?

While other similar comics are held in high regard, Lenore and Gloom Cookie for instance, JTHM is -it-. The definitive word, so to speak.
Even if you don't like comics and are just looking for something new, give it a try.

It will make you laugh! Unless you are -dead inside!-

'Nny has something of a warped sense of justice. Alot of the time, he will only kill people who have, in his eyes at least, earned it. Although alot of the time, this can be a very small thing.

Such as trying to bring back bell bottoms.

Despite this though we can't help but feel a little empathy, because we've all wanted to do much the same at some point in our lives.

The angry beast within us all roars and bellows at the slightest upset, JTHM is a handy release for that beast.

Having said this about 'Nny, sometimes he just... Kills people. However, he has a reason, that reason being a wall in his house he must keep freshly painted in blood or 'something' from the other side starts pushing through.

'Nny is a very interesting fellow. So much so, you can't put it into words unless you read all his thoughts about what he is thinking and feeling in the book.
Just because he's a homicidal maniac, don't judge him.
And he might not kill you.

This is a bangin' comic book and well worth a look in. As is all the spin-offs that Jhonen has also made, span from the Johnny verse, such as Squee and I Feel Sick. Most of his work is worth investigating too because it really is roll on the floor laughing funny.

Just don't ask him about Invader Zim unless you wish for him to scream at you before exploding suddenly.

Why not visit his Live Journal at Questionsleep?

Over and out.

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